“To Dr. Frederick, You do great work helping others be the best they can be.”
“Dr. Brad, Many thanks for your help with the great Satori program. I believe it is the wave of the future.” (Dr. Bob Delmonteque N.D., America’s #1 Senior Fitness Expert with Dr. Tony Quinn)

“I have been listening to ‘The Beginning’ CD for about a month. The first change I noticed was how easily I fall asleep and how deep and restful that sleep is. The other changed I noticed was a general feeling of well being. It’s not a manic feeling of over the edge happy but rather starting the day and going into situations with a smile that radiates from deep within me. I feel like I’m starting to be a positive energy in the universe. I only wish I could find a stock that would offer the same level of return that your ‘The Beginning’ CD has offered me. Thanks so much, Calla Ganz
“Dear Dr. Frederick, I appreciate your constant support. Thank you for all of the knowledge and care that you have for track and field. In addition to your positive approach to recovery and biomechanics emphasis to potential performance I sincerely thank you. Sincerely, Ron Allice, Dept of Intercollegiate Athletics, University of Southern California.”
A Success Story: “I really wanted to quit smoking, but was not having much success. I thought I was ready mentally do I tried using ‘patches’ to help me kick the habit–didn’t work. Then I asked Dr. Frederick to hypnotize me–from that day forward I have had NO desire for a cigarette and absolutely no feeling of deprivation. I listened to the CD on a daily basis that Dr. Frederick provided me–it was very helpful in reinforcing my intention to no longer smoke. After a short time I no longer needed the CD. I AM FREE FROM MY ADDICTION AND KNOW THAT I WILL NEVER SMOKE AGAIN! WHAT A WONDERFUL FEELING! Thank you, thank you, Dr. Frederick from a very grateful 81 year-old patient. Beverly Huber”
“It is almost incomprehensible. Your expertise and your approach toward healing are commendable and powerful. Thank YOU very much again. With gratitude, O Eietta”
To help reduce pain and suffering in the world, while at the same time increasing consciousness.